False start.

"Happy 2017!" she writes sheepishly, knowing it is already the fourth of January, and the New-Year's-Day-blog-launch ship has sailed.

To be completely honest, I started drafting blog posts way way back in 2014, with the goal of blogging before, during, and after my study abroad semester in Spring of 2015.  Whoops. That did not happen.  I have a good deal of journal entries, but sadly I did not follow through on sharing my experiences through any public format other than my Instagram account. 

As you can see from my earlier posts, my efforts were renewed by my DC move.  I began drafting posts and playing around with Squarespace tools months ago, but here we are now.  January 2017.  Even typing 2017 feels odd. 

I think my resolution is to start making resolutions, and not just yearly ones based on the calendar.  My track record for following through with personal projects is not great, but that is something I can change.  I just have to do it.  And while I may not buy in to the "new year, new me!" mantra that always rolls around, I think focused enthusiasm and declared intentions are far more beneficial than not.  So welcome, again, to my internet scrapbook! 

My year so far has included a strawberry-banana smoothie, a spontaneous thirty-minute drive to satisfy a Bojangles' craving, being amazed and confused by the movie Birdman, attending a lovely and thought-provoking Travel Book Group at a local bookstore, and several cups of peppermint tea.  So far, so good.